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university of notre dame中文是什么意思

用"university of notre dame"造句"university of notre dame"怎么读"university of notre dame" in a sentence


  • (印地安纳州)圣母大学
  • 圣母大学私立大学,就业率高
  • 圣母大学印地安纳州
  • 圣母玛利亚大学
  • 位于南弯的圣母大学


  • He did his undergraduate work at the university of notre dame in south bend indiana
  • Drela m . xfoil : an analysis and design system for low reynolds number airfoils [ a ] , conference on low reynolds number airfoil aerodynamics [ c ] . university of notre dame , june 1989
    贺德馨,张维智.风力机翼型大攻角气动性能手册[ m ] .中国空气动力研究与发展中心, 1989
  • Mr . cheng is also a charter member on the president s council on international activities of the yale university and a member of the international council of the university of notre dame
  • Mr . cheng is also a charter member on the president s council on international activities of the yale university and a member of the international council of the university of notre dame
  • So in 1998 , when we , together with hawoong jeong and r ka albert of the university of notre dame , embarked on a project to map the world wide web , we expected to find a random network
  • Long - term changes in rain patterns linked to global warming and the paving over of habitat could be playing a role , said jessica hellmann , an entomologist with the university of notre dame who has examined shapiro ' s data
  • Mr . cheng holds a ba in business administration from the university of notre dame , indiana , usa , and an mba from columbia university , new york . he was appointed a justice of the peace in 1985 and awarded an o . b . e
  • Mr . cheng holds a ba in business administration from the university of notre dame , indiana , usa , and an mba from columbia university , new york . he was appointed a justice of the peace in 1985 and awarded an o . b . e . in 1992
  • The man dubbed the greatest scientist of the 20th century surpassed darwin ' s output , penning more than 14 , 500 letters to colleagues and reading 16 , 200 , the study by academics from the universities of notre dame in the us state of indiana and aveiro of portugal said
    根据美国印第安那州圣母院大学和葡萄牙阿威罗大学的研究,被喻为二十世纪最伟大科学家的爱因斯坦,写信产量超越达尔文,他毕生写信14 , 500封,收信16 , 200封。
  • Edgar w . k . cheng is an eminent leader in the business and financial sector as well as a very outstanding oncologist . he graduated from the university of notre dame and the medical college of wisconsin in usa . a clinical associate professor of medicine at the cornell university medical college , dr . cheng also practised medicine and conducted teaching and research in the world - renowned memorial sloan - kettering cancer center in new york
    他早年肄业于美国圣母院大学及威斯康辛医学院,毕业后从事医疗工作,出任康乃尔大学医学院临?医学副教授,并曾在美国纽约著名的斯隆-凯特林癌病中心( memorialsloan - ketteringcancercenter )行医、教学及从事研究工作多年。
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